Interdisciplinary Studies B.A.
- 120 Credits
- School of Liberal Arts
- Westchester

Admission Requirements for the B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies
Requirements for an Interdisciplinary Studies Major with an Individually Approved Program — Students must file a proposal for an Interdisciplinary Studies Major in conformity with the following conditions:
- The student must state the objectives of the proposed program of studies and the reason why these objectives cannot be met through existing programs.
- The proposed major must be made up of a coherent program of studies of at least 36 credits involving course work in at least two different departments.
- The major must include no more than nine credits of independent study, a major portion of which should be of an integrated nature, i.e., contribute to the interrelationships of the disciplines studied. Off-campus experience undertaken as part of the program and with supervision from members of the faculty is encouraged.

Degree Requirements for the B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies
Procedure to be followed by students wishing to pursue an Interdisciplinary Studies Major:
- Complete at least 30 credits of college work and not more than 75 credits.
- Develop a proposal conforming to the requirements above.
- Secure the approval of at least two faculty members from different departments offering courses included in the proposal, one of whom agrees to act as the student’s major advisor.
- Submit the signed proposal to the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs for review and referral to the Interdisciplinary Studies Committee for approval.
- Upon completion of the proposed major, submit to the same committee the following:
- A request that the student be approved for the degree.
- Either a portfolio of work prepared during the course of studies (included in major); such a portfolio might include examinations, papers, and other projects, which will manifest the development of the central theme of the major.
- OR: Major paper or project, which represents a culminating experience and an effort to synthesize in an interdisciplinary manner various aspects of the theme which have been pursued. Three credits can be assigned to this project. Such credits are considered independent study
- OR: Student may consult one of the existing models formulated between various departments such as American Studies, Women’s Studies, Ethnic Studies and Third-World Studies.
Changes in Program: Changes that do not substantially alter the nature of the program may be approved by the Faculty Advisor. Substantial changes, i.e., those changes that alter the direction or theme of the major, must be approved by the Interdisciplinary Studies Committee.
Program Details & Curriculum
General Liberal Arts and Sciences
General Education Requirements: 60 Credits
Major Concentration
(Must be Liberal Arts and Science Courses): 36 Credits
Open Electives: 24 Credits
Total: 120 Credits