Maverick Magazine Fall 2021: A Successful Return to Campus

Students on Mercy's campus

Since March of 2020, the College community has repeatedly adjusted to seismic changes to uphold its mission. Mercy’s dedication to supporting students, faculty and staff in the pursuit of delivering or accessing their education has never wavered. And now, with all three of Mercy’s campuses fully open, the air of excitement is palpable. Residence halls are bustling with students, athletic teams are practicing and competing, and in-person learning is underway. Given all that transpired in the past 18 months, the fall 2021 campus reopening has been a success.

In his “Welcome Back” message delivered in early September to launch the return to campus, President Tim Hall emphasized the College’s top priority of safety. But he also reiterated the need for cooperation and diligence from every member of the Mercy community. “We are heading into another challenging year as the Delta variant continues to spread,” he said, “but I’m confident that our vaccine and mask policies, our cleaning and ventilation protocols will prepare the college for a successful year.”

To read the more of this article in the fall 2021 issue of Maverick Magazine, please . 

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